Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ut egestas lorem. Proin elementum dui ac egestas facilisis. Quisque posuere finibus mi vel dapibus. Sed dapibus, elit a tincidunt ullamcorper, tortor metus eleifend ipsum, vel dignissim nulla justo at lectus. Suspendisse vel augue metus. Nullam hendrerit placerat ligula, ac consectetur turpis rhoncus id. Sed nec magna arcu. Curabitur nisl orci, aliquam eu convallis non, mattis eu lectus. Aenean commodo a odio id rutrum. Duis molestie lorem augue, non placerat sem viverra ut. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut vitae nunc lacus.
CFIC reveals and rewards innovations in the cosmetics industry
We're living in a time of mutation, when change has become essential. Essential to preserve the planet's resources and to stay in the race!
It's high time we rethought our models, rethought the way we think, the way we produce, the way we work, the way we trade...
Whether it's environmental, energy, digital or societal, these transitions, even if they sometimes appear restrictive, represent great opportunities for businesses. Whether it's a question of getting noticed, adapting to new consumer expectations, meeting new needs, capturing new market share or staying ahead of the game, innovation is a real lever for development.
According to INSEE, sales of new products for the market or for the company account for 30% of the sales of innovative companies.