CFIC Orléans 2024



Designer, consultant créatif en éco-conception et artiste engagé


Fabrice Peltier is recognized as an expert in packaging design and a pioneer in eco-design, working for responsible packaging that is more respectful of the environment. He acts as a consultant and creativity gas pedal in eco-design for the entire packaging industry (packaging manufacturers, marketers and eco-organizations). He is a regular speaker at conferences and writes for a number of trade journals, including Emballages Magazine, for which he has been carrying out packaging analyses for over twenty years. He is also the author of numerous books, including : La Révolution de l'emballage première et deuxième période and Pourquoi et comment entrer dans la Révolution. He is also a local elected official in his village of Combloux, in charge of waste management, and a member of the board of the SITOM (Syndicat des ordures Ménagères) des vallées du Mont Blanc. So we can say that Fabrice Peltier takes care of packaging "from the cradle to the grave".

This speaker will talk about

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