CFIC Orléans 2024

more than 3 out of 10 French people still consider eco-actions in the bathroom to be a constraint


The FEBEA and the French Government are joining forces to raise awareness of eco-actions and their benefits for the environment. That's why the FEBEA, in partnership with OpinionWay, has looked into the habits of the French in their bathroom. While a large majority of French people claim to have adopted eco-actions in their bathroom, a significant proportion admit that these are new habits that are not always easy to adopt and are rather secondary to other rooms in the house. At least 8 out of 10 French people say they are concerned by the subject, and see eco-actions in the bathroom as having a real positive impact on the environment (84%). Combating water wastage is the most common action (74% say they pay attention to this). 81% of French people are in the habit of reducing the length of their showers, and 86% of them turn off the water when soaping up or shampooing. 60% say they use a water-saving device installed on their taps. Sources: FEBEA To find out more ( article in french ):